Blog Topics
This platform aims to systematically curate and preserve my favored Python techniques for future reference. This digital journal, accessible globally wherever an internet connection is available, is a convenient and effective learning tool.
Going down a wooded path at night, alone, with your trusted companion by your side, can be scary and daunting. However, with support from your friends, documenting your path (curating a code base like a blog), and continuously working on the code base can make the process appear as a walk in the park!
In a world dominated by sophisticated language models like OpenAI's GPT, blogging may seem like a relic of the past. But here's a nuanced perspective: this blog serves as an innovative instrument for both teaching and mastering new programming languages. It's about immersing in syntax, applying it, and then translating the information into layman's terms for broader understanding.
Each topic presented here is elaborated in a separate blog post, supplemented by a Google Colab demo to visually illustrate the subject matter. Topics without links are currently on my exploration radar, awaiting their turn to be dissected and discussed.
The approach I employ for data analysis is essentially a four-step cycle:
1. Import data
2. Clean data
3. Analyze data
4. Export results
Each stage offers a rich canvas for efficiency, clever shortcuts, and a dash of creativity, making data analysis an ever-evolving art form.
Import Data
Blog - Automating Column Name Cleaning with Pandas
Data Creation
Workout data by month, day, and hour with randomized reps
blog Google Colab
Course Data - generate course data with prefix, number, level, and location.
blog Google Colab
5k Data
blog Google Colab - Generate 5k race data over multiple years, increase age for retained runners, drop 30 percent of last year's runners, and add 100 new runners a year.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
pd.describe and pandas-profiling
Cleaning/Preparing Data for Reporting (90% of my time) - np refers to the numpy package while pd refers to the Pandas package. - Create a new variable based on data from another column.
blog Google Colab
pd.cut - Create bins in three different ways.
blog Google Colab
pd.cut and - I love these functions!
blog Google Colab
blog - Google Colab
blog - Google Colab
pd.drop_duplicates - Unduplicate a list by max value with a prior filter - DataFrame
blog - Google Colab
pd.idxmax - find the max value of an index and return the index value
blog - GoogleColab - recode data with series - map one value to another.
blog - Google Colab
Masking - filtering data columns
pd.split - Create new columns based on a delimiter within another column
blog - Google Colab (chaining and DataFrames)
pd.str Access - All things pd.str...
blog - Google Colab
pd.query - filter DataFrames
np.where - create a new column based on data from another column
blog - Google Colab
CategoricalDtypes - Explicitly sort a pd.Series based on a defined list
General - blog - Google Colab
astype - blog - Google Colab
Sort Data - blog - Google Colab
Filter Data - blog - Google Colab
merge- combine two or more DataFrames row-wise
blog - Google Colab
Select Columns in Pandas
blog - Google Colab
Stylizing a DataFrame with bar - embed a bar chart in a DataFrame
blog - Google Colab
blog - More style, more sun!
pd.rank - Rank top-ten-grossing movies
blog - Google Colab
pd.group_by and agg
blog - Google Colab
crosstab - recreating PROC FREQ in Python
blog - Google Colab
Reportlab - creating PDFs with a tremendous amount of precision
blog via Google Blogger - Introduction
1) pinpointing items on a single page - blog
2) interacting with tables - blog
3) handling graphics
4) managing platypus items that dynamically extend over pages - blog
Report all North Carolina Universities
blog - Google Colab
My Plotly Adventure
My Billboard Example (My learning sandbox, so it is always under construction )
Introduction - blog
Callbacks - blog
Environment Management with MiniConda - blog
Update Pandas to 2.x - blog
Cloning an Existing Environment with MiniConda - blog
Importing and Exporting Environments with MiniConda - blog
Install, update, list, packages, and misc conda environment scripts - blog
Updating a Module without resetting the kernel - blog!
Fun with IF Statements
Magic 8 ball and Restaurant Selector - blog - Google Colab
Try and Except
Exploring Try and Except for a Data Analyst - blog
An example in context - blog
Python Comprehension - A blog is only complete with Comprehension!
General Types - blog
List Comprehension I - blog
List Comprehension II - blog
List Comprehension If Else If - blog
List Comprehension if Else if, Multiple Conditions - blog
Combine Lists to create a DataFrame - blog
Fun with Lists
blog - Google Colab - general
blog - Using lists for rankings in chaining and DataFrams
Python for Loops
Introduction - for Loops - blog
Example with a bar chart - blog
Comparing Categorical Data
Contingency Tables - blog
Series Methods
Aggregation Methods - blog - Example in Google Colab
Filtering np.array - blog
Filtering np.array II - blog
Fun with str - Google Colab
Introduction - blog - Movies Example in Google Colab
Introduction II - Arguments - blog
Introduction III - Type Hints - blog
Intro - blog - Google Colab
np.array play space - blog
loc and iloc (why not) - blog
f'{string}' - way too useful not to cover! -
blog - General
blog Google Colab - if/elif examples
Different ways to create a column - Google Colab
Index Manipulation with np.Series - Google Colab
Index Manipulation with np.Series 2 - Google Colab
Data Storage
blog - introduction - escaping the CSV, basic.
blog - loop through CSVs and add to DB.
I have evolved from learning about Python and posting short blogs to project-based applications - I'm applying what I have learned to a complete project. Below is a list of projects with supporting documentation. They follow my muse, are analytics-based, and are hobby projects. They are not linked with my primary role but are designed to continue learning in a more complex construct - a project. Each project is given a title and then a short description.
Grants_dot_gov - extract and analyze grant opportunities from
5-Year Journal Template - Create a 5-Year Journal PDF with ReportLab.
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