Plotly Bar Chart
Coming from an analyst background, I have been making bar charts for years. So, this example is not very interesting. However, it shows the simplicity of plotly express and how easily one can create a bar graph. I didn’t stray far from the path regarding the official plotly example. It is their example. However, I wanted to show how easy it is to get going. The only thing I modified was the graphic size in Google Colab. Very easy and approachable! import as px long_df = px . data . medals_long () fig.update_layout( width=800, #set the width of the plot to 800 pixels height=500, #set the height of the plot to 500 pixels ) fig = px . bar ( long_df , x = "nation" , y = "count" , color = "medal" , title = "Long-Form Input" ) fig . show ( fig =, x="nation", y="count", color="medal", title="Long-Form Input") The full example is located at:...